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The Queensland Government provides a rental grant to Queensland residents who have lost their jobs due to Covid-19 and have no access to other financial assistance.

Queensland Government COVID-19 Stimulus Measure

The grant is a one-off payment of up to 4 weeks’ rent (a maximum of $2000) paid directly to the tenant’s lessor. The tenant must provide evidence that the lessor has declined all attempts for the tenant to make a payment arrangement.

Eligibility For Stimulus

To be eligible to receive the grant, a person must:

  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident, holds a temporary or permanent protection visa, or holds a bridging visa;
  • live in Queensland;
  • have or will shortly have a bond registered with the Residential Tenants Authority;
  • have less than $10,000 in cash or savings;
  • provide evidence of attempts to negotiate a payment plan with their lessor;
  • have lost their job and applied to Centrelink for income support; and
  • are waiting for their Centrelink application to be approved.

If you believe you are eligible, you will need to complete a Covid-19 Rental Grant application form via the Queensland Government website. See link below:

Covid-19 Rental Grant Application

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