by Marketing | Mar 24, 2021 | Busienss Strategies, Business Startup, Business Structures, Company Setup, Employment, JobKeepr, Stimulus 3, Stimulus Package 1, Stimulus Package 2
There has been a lot of talk about how businesses will cope post-JobKeeper. A comment I heard just today said, “The end of JobKeeper in March 2021 will result in an economic cliff face.” Really? Government Stimulus A year has passed since COVID-19 ravaged...
by Marketing | Mar 26, 2020 | BAS Bookkeeping, Bookkeeping Services, Business Startup, Business Structures, Company Setup, Employment, Income Tax - Business, Income Tax - Individuals, Shelf Company, Single Touch Payroll, Tax Saving Strategy, Tradies, Trust Setup
SMALL BUSINESSES NEED TO GET READY Stimulus Measures The Australian Government’s economic response to the COVID-19 crisis is a two-pronged approach. Cash Flow Boost JobKeeper/JobSeeker How do They Work We have been busy answering inquiries and calculating...
by Marketing | Dec 10, 2019 | BAS Bookkeeping, Bookkeeping Services, Business Startup, Company Setup, Employment, Income Tax - Business, Payroll, Single Touch Payroll
Single Touch Payroll (STP) was introduced on 1 July 2019 and has changed where every employer will be required to use the system. If you are still using a manual system to pay your staff, you will need to change soon. Recent legislative changes now remove the need for...
by Marketing | Jan 19, 2019 | Bookkeeping Services, Business Startup, Company Setup, Employment, Tradies
What is the Taxable Annual Reporting System? The building industry has been required to report payments to contractors/sub-contractors directly to the ATO for some time. The system is intended to capture payments made to contractors/sub-contractors and reported to the...
by Marketing | Sep 19, 2017 | Business Structures, Company Setup, Partnership, Shelf Company, Sole Trader, Trust Setup
Family Trust is a structure where a business and or assets are owned /operated in a trust, which is managed by a third party (trustee) who has legal control and has a duty to operate that business to benefit someone else (beneficiaries). Traditionally, trust...
by Marketing | Sep 19, 2017 | Business Structures, Company Setup, Partnership, Shelf Company, Sole Trader, Tradies, Trust Setup
A partnership business structure is a little more complex than sole trader. With this structure, two or more people start a business and can legally share profits, risks and losses in accordance with the terms and conditions of a partnership agreement, or, where no...