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Stimulus 1 and 2 – Cash Splash for our Economy

SMALL BUSINESSES NEED TO GET READY Stimulus Measures The Australian Government’s economic response to the COVID-19 crisis is a two-pronged approach. Cash Flow Boost JobKeeper/JobSeeker How do They Work We have been busy answering inquiries and calculating...

Stimulus 2 – Cash Flow Assistance for Businesses

Stimulus 1 and Stimulus 2 Stimulus 2 has just been announced and contains multiple components. Stimulus 2 modifies Stimulus 1. Several fact sheets are available from various government sites that help explain the package’s different components. Boosting Cash...

Single Touch Payroll – New Rules for Employers and Self Employed

Single Touch Payroll (STP) was introduced on 1 July 2019 and has changed where every employer will be required to use the system. If you are still using a manual system to pay your staff, you will need to change soon. Recent legislative changes now remove the need for...
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